The Lord has put together such a wonderful ministry team that I could not have picked myself, and He has stretched them during this trip. Almost everybody faced something that they had never faced before. My son Ben joined the Eternity Minded Ministries staff last summer and this is his first experience on the mission field leading a ministry team. Ben is doing a fabulous job, but Ben, along with the team, has been stretched. Ben shared "God has provided us as always with ways to connect with the people here in Iquitos. I am so blessed by all the amazing things that we all got to witness and the way that the Lord used each of us for the Kingdom."
We had a team that went out to a mental hospital where they met and worshipped with a group of patients that live in horrific conditions locked behind bars most of the day. They were brought out and our team loved on them and shared just how much God loves each and every one of them; so much that He sent His Son for them; and He is there for them always. Many accepted Christ. Jill Griffin, our director of communications said, "I thought I was just going to visit and love on these people, but as I was standing there God told me that He wanted me to speak, and He began to give me the words. That was a huge stretch for me, but God came through and He gave me His Word. God gave those people the gift of salvation, and God gave me the gift and being a part of it." Erin and Joe Maue are new friends that found out we were going to be in Iquitos at the same time as they were and met with us. Erin interpreted for us at the hospital, and for Erin this was a first and not something that she expected. "I was so nervous at first, but when I realized that Jesus was there, and they really heard us I was relieved. When I saw their hands raised I just started crying."
Some of us were able to watch the portable stoves provided by our partners in action. Over one hundred stoves were distributed. The committee that we visited today feeds over 36 families everyday. They are so grateful to be able to cook faster, and feed more people in their community.
We visited two schools where the de-worming medicine and vitamins was being distributed . Those children were troopers as they swallowed the pills. They did a great job, and now their bodies will be rid of the parasites so they can grow up big and strong. We had enough medicine available at one of the schools to treat all of the teachers and they were so grateful.
We have an incredible group from Grants Pass, Oregon that came with us to provide an eye glass ministry to the people in Iquitos. Over a thousand pairs of eye glasses were distributed here in Iquitos. Many people who could not read a Bible or a newspaper, and now they are able read God's Word. A counselor was waiting to speak with each person that received a new pair of glasses, and they were given a message of love and spiritual healing, and an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. As the result of a simple pair of eye glasses given by loving servants, hundreds of people have a new relationship with Jesus and have joined God's Kingdom.
The Lord has been faithful and has done amazing things here in Iquitos. There is so much more to share and we will do so soon after we return. We have really bonded with the people here and they are our family. I can't thank you enough for your partnership in prayer and financial support to touch lives forever. Today we head to the river to minister to some of the villages along the Amazon, and then will be heading to the airport to return back home. We will all miss the people here, and are looking forward to continuing our ministry here over the next two years.
Blessed in Iquitos,