Monday, October 22, 2007

The Lord Is My Strength

This morning our flight will take off for Iquitos, Peru at 6:00am. Oh how I dislike international flights that start that early. However, I am still eager to get to Peru with our team of 22 friends to minister to the hurting and the needy.

Someone recently asked me if I ever get used to travel, and doing these Festivals around the world. I can honestly say that I still get a bit nervous in the days leading up to the event. I am fine once I leave my home and head to the airport for the first leg of the journey. I guess it's kind of like how I felt when I played sports in high school and college, nervous until the first play or first hit.

This is our first Festival in Peru so that brings a bit of tension with it as well. We have a great team going with us yet for some this will be their first experience in international ministry and I am concerned that it is a good experience for them. We have been blessed with great teams, great ministry and praise the Lord, great health in past ministries. I expect the same for this trip to Peru.

Because I am weak, I claim Psalms 28:7-8, "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. The Lord is the strength for his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one." Like Paul I can truly say that because of my weakness I am able to identify God's strength in me. He truly does help me!

So, today there is no devotion from me due to my travels and ministry, yet I would ask that you pray for me and for all those who are ministering along with me. Would you pray for a harvest of souls, for the unity of our team, that we would be a blessing to the people of Iquitos, and finally that our families would be protected while we are gone. I count on you right now to lift up a word to the Lord on our behalf. I thank you for your wonderful partnership in prayer!

God bless you and I look forward to sharing wonderful reports of how God honored himself through our ministry.

Still Moving Forward,


Copyright 2007 Eternity Minded Ministries - All rights reserved

1 comment:

Debby Owens said...

Please pray for members of our team traveling to Peru this morning who are from San Diego County, California. In the midst of their own preparations to leave on this trip, they were evacuated from their homes because of the fire danger. Pray for peace and safety for their family members and for comfort and strength for those who are traveling as they face the uncertainty of what is going on at home.